Highly efficient cleaning technology
Unique multi-filter system
The indoor air cleaners combine all recognised filter technologies in one single unit with sequenced cleaning stages that enhance one another. In this way, the filter systems can continuously provide the greatest safety in relation to pathogens and achieve the highest quality of air cleanliness.
Depending on the model, the order of the filters may vary, but that has no influence on the cleaning performance of the whole system.
The prefilter retains larger particles, such as animal hair, fluff and coarse dust. The prefilter can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or even washed, depending on the model. (See operating instructions)

(HEPA = High-Efficiency Particulate Air/Arrestance)
HEPA filters or airborne particle filters are purely mechanical filters that separate airborne particles from the air. Depending on the filter class, they capture particles with an aerodynamic diameter greater than 0.3 µm, e.g. bacteria and viruses, pollen, mite eggs and excreta, dusts, aerosols and smoke particles. The HEPA filters are approved in accordance with EN 1822 or ISO 29463.

Active charcoal filter
Active charcoal filters, also known as carbon filters, are used for cleaning gases. Compounds that have not been oxidised up to this point are adsorbed, retained and oxidised in the activated carbon. The activated carbon works as a catalytic storage reactor that, among other things, reduces ozone to atmospheric oxygen.
The purpose is to remove harmful substances such as dust, heavy metals, undesirable or toxic chemicals from gases. Odours are absorbed in the active charcoal filter.
Zweck ist die Entfernung von störenden Stoffen wie Staub, Schwermetallen sowie unerwünschten und giftigen Chemikalien aus Gasen. Gerüche werden im Aktivkohlefilter absorbiert.

(AP-120, AP-160, AP-90, AP-40)
Plasma disinfection, sometimes described as “dry disinfection”, involves feeding the indoor air between high-voltage electrodes. The indoor air is converted into a plasma state for a short time between the electrodes. In that state, many components of the indoor air exist as ions (atoms or molecules with an electric charge) and free electrons. The plasma also contains many reactive radicals. This environment provides extremely favourable conditions for a host of chemical reactions, which leads to the decomposition, splitting and conversion of a wide range of pollutants. Plasma also renders bacteria, viruses and mould spores harmless to health.

Titanium dioxide photo-catalysator
(AP-120, AP-160, AP-90, AP-40)
TiO2 filters (titanium dioxide filters) are metallic filters coated with nano layers of titanium dioxide and are placed directly in front of the UV lamp. Photo-catalysis is a chemical reaction triggered by the effect of light. Our air cleaners use photo-catalytic filters to neutralise organisms such as bacteria or viruses. Titanium plates irradiated with UV light are used in this type of filter. UV light striking the titanium dioxide surface creates free radicals that decompose organic material. The titanium dioxide surface remains permanently clean in this process.

(AP-120, AP-160, AP-90, AP-40)
This light has a wavelength of 254 nm (the mercury line) and does not create ozone. The UV source is encapsulated in the unit so that no UV radiation escapes. This means there is no danger to the user.
The UV lamp is not continuously on because the filter does the main job of cleaning, and the lamp comes on only when harmful substances reach a specific threshold. The lamp is electronically controlled. Even short intervals of light are enough to eliminate harmful substances throughout the whole system.
Die UV Lampe ist nicht ständig an, da die Filter die Hauptreinigung übernehmen, nur wenn die Schadstoffe eine Grenze überschreiten schaltet sich die Lampe zu. Die Ansteuerung ist elektronisch geregelt. Auch kurze Intervalle reichen, um Schadstoffe im Gesamtsystem zu eliminieren.

Certified technology
Filter effectiveness > 99.9 %
The effectiveness of each ETS system has been independently tested and verified at the international product testing body SGS (Switzerland) and at the Guangdong Institute of Microbiology (GDIM). The units were tested for their effectiveness against viruses, bacteria, dust and formaldehyde (odour). The output volume (CADR– Clean Air Delivery Rate) was also confirmed and documented in tests.
The certificates from both independent laboratories confirm the complete elimination of all viruses, bacteria and other harmful substances in the air.
SGS, which has its HQ in Switzerland, is the world’s leading provider of inspection, verification testing and certification services.
The Guangdong Institute of Microbiology (GDIM) researches and tests in the fields of microbiology, environmental and material sciences and is recognised internationally. Established in 1964, it is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of microbiology.
In each case, the complete system complies with international codes of practice and meets all current applicable standards. All systems have a valid CE declaration. All the HEPA filters are approved in accordance with EN 1822 or ISO 29463.